Sex Therapy
Sex therapy is a specialized form of talk therapy designed to help with concerns regarding sexuality and intimacy. Sex therapists have additional training in working with those struggling with sexual concerns. There is never nudity, sexual contact or sexual acts involved with therapy.
Sex therapy might include:
An affair can be devastating and you might not know if you can move forward. I can help you decide if this is something you want to work through with your partner (sometimes called discernment counseling). If you already know you want to work through it, we use a systematic approach to help you share your emotions with your partner, get the information you need to work through the affair, and rebuild your relationship.
Erectile Dysfunction / Premature (Early) or Delayed Ejaculation
We work with men individually as well as with their wives to resolve anxiety related dysfunction. We will work as a team with your physician or medical provider to determine a treatment plan that might include medication, building your self-esteem, improving your body image, and getting you comfortable in intimate situations with your wife or partner using a systematic approach.
Lack of Interest or Desire for Sex
We work with both individuals and couples to help you explore your own sexuality and improve the quality of your sexual experiences in order to boost your desire for sex and find a middle ground with your spouse or partner.
Non-Monogamy / Open Relationships
If you and your spouse or partner are wanting to explore consensual non-monogamy, swinging, or an open relationship, or have already made attempts unsuccessfully, our therapists can provide structure and boundary development so you create a healthy way of exploring this non-traditional style without damaging your marriage or relationship.
Other areas of concern might include:
Pain with intercourse, improving communication about sex, overcoming past sexual abuse or trauma, among others.